Build a Slack clone using Django and Vue (premium course)

In this course, you will learn how to build a simple Slack clone using Django and Vue.

You need to be authenticated and subscribed to a plan to get access to the full course.

The project will have live group chats and direct messages. You will get the possibility to create teams, channels and similar.

This project is split into two different projects. For the frontend, I will be using Vue 3. This is separated from the backend, and will only communicate using a library called Axios and Web Sockets.

For the backend, we will be using Django. To handle all of the API requests, I use a library called Django Rest Framework. To help us with authentication, I implement a library called Djoser.

For all of the web socket requests and similar, I use a library called Channels.



Setup and getting started

Stein Ove Helset

Your instructor
Hey! My name is Stein Ove Helset. I'm a self-taught software developer with over a decade of experience working full time as a web developer. Through this website and YouTube channel, I have taught thousands of people how to code, build websites, games and similar.

If you're looking for an introduction to coding and web development, you've come to the right place.


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