How I got a job as a web developer without a degree

How I got a job as a web developer without a degree

/ #Misc

Many, many years ago my brother asked me "When are you going to learn programming?". I could barely read and write at the moment, so I had no idea what he meant.

The beginning

A few years later, I started to get an interest in web sites and programming. I started learning HTML and CSS. I did this for a few years.

I loved learning, so I wanted more. I started with PHP and thought it was so awesome to be able to store data in a database, creating guestbooks, counters and similar.

Learning more

Even thought I at this point could make the web sites I wanted, I still wanted more. I was introduced to a language called Python and a framework called Django. This was like whole new world. There was a lot of new things to learn, but it was so awesome. Building projects with Django is great!

During this time and after, I also learned game development, JavaScript, Vue.js, C# and so many other awesome technologies.

I love learning and I love building things. These two combined is the biggest reason why I got a job without having to get a computer degree.

Applying for a job

I found a cool job I wanted to apply for. But before the interview started, I was so nervous and started doubting myself. Why should they hire me? I don't have any experience and my coding skills sucks I thought to myself.

Luckily, I had my girlfriend with me. She pushed me in the right direction and made me believe in myself enough to go in.

Getting the job

I went into the interview and after 30 minutes, the boss offered me a position and a salary that was much higher than I had ever hoped for. I was so happy.

I got a brand new Mac and an iPhone. This was so cool, I couldn't believe it.


This was around 10 years ago. Since then, I have had 3 jobs and spent around 5 years of them working remotely from Spain.

I love working as a web developer!

My advice to you

Keep learning as much as you can, build projects that you love, believe in your self and never give up :-)


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