Learn Django by building a social network - premium course

Learn Django by building a social network - premium course

/ #Django

Do you want to learn Django by building a really cool project? During this course, you will learn how to build a simple social network from scratch to deployment.

The course is still in development.

What are we building?

We will build a social network from scratch using Django.

First we will set up and install everything we need. Then we build things step by step with authentication, feed, profiles, direct messages, posting content, liking, commenting, friends and similar.

I will also introduce and use many cool Django features like template filters, tags, Pillow for resizing images and so much more.

At the end, we will deploy the project to a live server.

How will it be published yet?

The first parts of the course will be published soon, and I will keep working hard to publish the rest of the course part by part. At least one new part per week.

The price for the course will be $20 per month or $200 for a whole year. By paying for a whole year, you will save $40.

Since this now will turn into a subscription based website, you will get access to all my premium content as well.

The first course will be this course, but I will continue to create high quality premium courses you will get access to as well. By having the subscription model, Code With Stein will become sort of a school where you always will have the possibility to come back for more and more content.

The content

This is the current set up of the course. It will probably change a little bit before everything is finished.

-Information about this course
-Part 1 - Setting up the environment
-Part 2 - Creating a Django project
-Part 3 - The first Django app
-Part 4 - Authentication
-Part 5 - My profile
-Part 6 - Posting content
-Part 7 - Finding friends
-Part 8 - Becoming friends
-Part 9 - View list of friends
-Part 10 - Adding avatars to user profiles
-Part 11 - Liking posts
-Part 12 - Adding comments
-Part 13 - My feed
-Part 14 - Direct messages
-Part 15 - Refactoring
-Part 16 - The Admin Interface
-Part 17 - Miscellaneous
-Part 18 - Deployment
-Part 19 - What's next?

Get notified when the registration has opened

It's still a while until the course is finished. If you want to get a notification with updates and information about the release, please sign up to the newsletter at the bottom of this page or send an email to codewithstein@gmail.com.

I will send updates about the course approximately one time per week (maximum) together with other Django related stuff.

Learn Django in the mean time

If you can't wait to learn Django. Feel free to check out my YouTube channel: Code With Stein

If you've got any good suggestions for things to implement in this course, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll see what I can do :-)

Demo and introduction

I have made the demo and introduction for the course available here: Django Course Page.


Harrison Fok | Jun 16, 21 10:13

Excited for this!

Stein Ove Helset | Jun 17, 21 04:26

Thanks Harrison :-D

Shivam Rohilla | Aug 07, 21 01:35

Nice work

Stein Ove Helset | Aug 11, 21 06:17

Thank you :-D

David | Mar 22, 22 11:44

I am looking forward to this course.

Stein Ove Helset | Mar 23, 22 06:01

Hey David, It's already available here:

Along with one other premium course ;-)

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