My 5 most popular Django tutorials

My 5 most popular Django tutorials

/ #Django

I have created a lot of Django tutorials. In this post, I will write a summary of the 5 most popular.

1. Python Django Realtime Chat Project - Full Course

This video currently has around 70.000 views on YouTube. In this Python Django course, you'll master the creation of a live chat application starting from scratch. The backend will use Django, powered by the Channels package, while the frontend will employ vanilla JavaScript integrated with Web Sockets.

Django (Based on Python) provides an ideal foundation for this type of project. If you're new to Django and aspiring to craft a basic yet functional chat app, this course is tailored for you. To stylize the interface, we'll implement Tailwind CSS

2. Django Ecommerce Website with multiple vendors tutorial | Part 1 | 2022

Currently, the first part of this series has 59.000 views. In this 4 part tutorial series, you will learn a lot of the cool features from Django while you're building an e-commerce website. And not just any e-commerce website, it's a multivendor e-commerce website. This means that multiple sellers can sign up and sell their own products there.

3. Python Django Blog In Less Than 20 Minutes - Blogging website tutorial

Building a blog is one of the most basic project you can build with a framework like Django. So far, 45.000 people have seen this video.

The video isn't longer than 20 minutes, but still you will learn a lot and also see for your self how easy it is to build a blog.

4. Django And Vue Ecommerce Website Tutorial - Part 1 - Setting up

Yet another e-commerce website tutorial on my top list. With 44.000 views, you can safely say that it's popular. This Django tutorial series has 29 parts, and you will learn a lot of awesome things. Not only when it comes to Django, but you will learn basic Vue, how to integrate multiple payment solutions and more.

5. Django and Vue Todo App Tutorial (Django Rest Framework / Vue CLI)

Place number five is a todo application. The video has 38.000 views, and it shows that people are interested in the combination of Vue and Django.

The point in this video isn't that it's hard to build a todo application, but a todo application is an ideal project for learning web development.


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