Python Casting - How to change the variable type?

/ #Python

Sometimes we need to convert a string to an integer, a float to a string, etc.

str() - Strings

# Define an integer and a float
age = 32
weight = 68.4

# Convert to string
string_age = str(age). # Will be "32"
string_weight = str(weight)  # Will be "68.4"

int() - Integers

# Define a string and a float
age = "32"
weight = 68.4

# Convert to integer
int_age = int(age). # Will be 32
int_weight = int(weight)  # Will be 68

float() - Floats

# Define an integer and two strings
age = 32
weight = "68.4"
height = "178"

# Convert to float
float_age = float(age)  # Will be 32.0
float_weight = float(weight)  # Will be 68.4
float_height = float(height)  # Will be 178.0


If you try to convert a value that can't be converted/casted, you will get an error. For example "int("Hello")" will not work.


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