Tracking progress on Code With Stein

/ #Misc

I'm working on a cool new feature here on the blog. I'm going to make it possible for you to create an account where you can track the progress you have on my courses.

A while ago I was thinking about thing that can make it easier for you to follow my courses and to track your progress. You might already have noticed the "sign up" and "log in" buttons in the menu?

The system isn't ready yet, but you can already now create an account for free.

When the system is ready, you will get an overview over all of my different courses and the parts. When you start a part, you can mark it as "started". When it's finished, you can mark it as finished.

I will keep building on this and add more features like discussion, polls, quizzes and more.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave me a comment below :-)


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