What are the different database solutions for Django?

/ #Django

You can pretty much choose whatever database you want when working with Django. Here are a few of them.

1. PostgreSQL

An open-source relational database management system with advanced features for handling complex data.

2. MySQL

An open-source relational database management system that is widely used for web applications.

3. SQLite

An open-source file-based database system that is simple to use and doesn't require a separate server.

4. Oracle

A commercial relational database management system with advanced features for handling large amounts of data.

5. Microsoft SQL Server

A commercial relational database management system developed by Microsoft with support for Windows and Linux.


Aditya Priyadarshi | Feb 02, 23 08:01

I like sqlite3 for smaller projects, Postgres for Large projects. =)

Stein Ove Helset | Feb 11, 23 06:16

Good answer :-D

hassan boulhilt | Apr 07, 23 11:20

I prefer PostgreSQL, either in the development phase or in the production

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